August – Tropical Storm Irene – August 29, 2:00 p.m. Update

CREW is issuing a notice of outdoor water restrictions until further notice. Water levels are down, causing wells to pull air into the system, resulting in cloudy water. The restrictions consist of the following: irrigation of lawns via sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems, filling swimming pools, washing of vehicles, washing exterior buildings, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. Watering vegetable gardens and maintenance of livestock is allowed. We ask that everyone please help to conserve water whenever possible.

This post will be taken down as soon as the water ban is lifted.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Pascoag Utility District crews have made substantial progress clearing debris and repairing pole and wire damage from the effects of Hurricane Irene.Ê PUD has had full crews and additional contract workers out in the field since approximately 8 a.m. Sunday.Ê We are waiting for our two main feeder lines from National Grid to be re-energized.Ê Once those main lines are restored and we have power available at our substation, and we will be able to begin to return service to our customers circuit by circuit.


Additionally due to storm damage, we lost all 7 of our incoming customer phone lines, and appreciate the kind words and patience our customers have shown us when they have stopped by our office to report outages. You can continue to call the office but all calls are currently being routed through one cell phone so please be patient as we now only have one line. Our crews will continue to work at the incredible pace they have until every last customer has its electricity supply back in service.


We ask that our customers under no circumstances put themselves in proximity of downed power lines, as they can be energized at any time as restoration continues.

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