Commercial and Industrial Customers
You can use energy efficiently. For example, if you own a manufacturing plant, don’t turn on all your major equipment at one time. By cycling on equipment, you’re not “demanding” energy at such a high level. Remember that once you hit a peak demand, you’ll be required to pay that demand for the next eleven months.
The demand charge is reflective of the effective cost for CREW to have at the ready your peak demand level of supply at all times, even if you never reach that peak demand again.
The relationship between demand and energy use is called the power factor. The manufacturing plant that turned on all his equipment at one time, but then uses very little energy the rest of the day will have a poor power factor. The demand is very high compared to the overall energy use. This is the ratio of average load to peak load for a specified period. It is expressed as a percentage of potential energy available.
Clear River, like all utilities, strive for a very efficient or high power factor because it allows the costs they must pay for peak demand (whether used or not) to be spread over a higher number of kilowatt-hours, driving down the cost per kilowatt-hour. Generally, residential use is higher in the evening hours and commercial and industrial use is higher in the daytime hours, effectively leveling out the load over the course of the day. In 2006, CREW system-wide power factor averaged 97%. A high system-wide power factor is a contributing reason that our customers enjoy competitive rates
CREW offers a wide range of programs for your business. From rebates on your new office equipment (providing that it is ENERGY STAR compliant) to a complete lighting retrofit, or new energy efficient heating/cooling equipment, CREW offers rebates of up to sixty percent. If you’re planning a major addition or retrofit, please call us as soon as possible in the planning process so that we can work with you to tailor a custom made program that fits your needs.
We can also offer you a free audit that will determine what areas you can improve to increase your energy efficiency and to determine a payback period on your investment.
Absolutely! Just call our business office between 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives. They’ll be happy to help you review your electric usage and send you a history of your electric account. They will also be able to offer you some valuable ideas on energy conservation, too.
An electric deposit is like a security deposit. Clear River Electric & Water District requires a deposit for each individual electric account that is created. The amount of the deposit corresponds roughly to two months electric usage based on a business of its’ size. When the deposit is paid, the money sits on the account and accrues interest. Each November, the interest that was earned on the deposit is applied to the electric account as a credit. When you request the account to be closed, the deposit is applied to the balance that is owed. If anything remains of the deposit after applying it to your final bill, Clear River Electric & Water will process a check and send it out in the mail to your forwarding address.
Clear River Electric & Water is a not-for-profit company and requires the deposit because it helps keep our rates stable. When there are unpaid electric bills, it can cause rates to increase. A deposit helps us to minimize losses and keep electric bills lower for everyone.
Clear River Electric & Water District requires a one-time water meter fee that is based on the size of the service line feeding the business. This fee covers the cost of any maintenance, repairs or replacement meters that may be necessary. However, unusual repairs necessitated by freezing, hot water, or attributable to any careless or neglect on the part of the owner, a fee will be charged to the owner of the property for a replacement meter.