Helping the Environment
When the Pascoag Utility District remodeled the office in 2005 energy efficient, lighting, windows, doors and the heating system were installed. These products were ENERGY STAR certified and have helped reduce our costs of heating and utility bills while saving energy at the same time.
The garage is located in the back of Pascoag Utility District’s office. We have installed a radiant floor heating system in the garage that saves the District on fuel costs.
The Pascoag Utility District is proud to participate in an extensive recycling program. All paper that is used by the PUD is shredded and then recycled. Cardboard boxes are also broken down and recycled. PUD purchases many office products that are recyclable or have been recycled. All new office equipment is ENERGY STAR certified.
PUD is a member of the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Fund. The Rhode Island Renewable Energy Fund is dedicated to increasing the role of renewable energy in Rhode Island’s electricity supply. Renewable energy technologies harness the energy in sunlight, the wind, biomass (growing plant matter and organic wastes) flowing water, waves, tides, or the heat of the earth, to make electricity in a cleaner and more sustainable manner than sources we have traditionally relied on in the past. The Fund, administered by the Rhode Island State Energy Office, has programs to help homeowners, businesses and institutions in choosing and purchasing clean energy systems, such as wind turbines and solar photovoltaic (“PV”) systems and electricity products available without leaving your current electric utility.
In 2007 Pascoag Utility District created an event called the Green Festival. The Green Festival has been held each year to educate customers on ways to live sustainably with a focus on energy conservation and recycling.
In 2009, Pascoag Utility District installed a 5kv photovoltaic system on the garage roof.
Pascoag Utility District partnered with the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources on the LED Streetlight Conversion Project in Pascoag. 411 streetlights have been converted from high-pressure sodium lightbulbs to LED’s to date. This will save over 56,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.
Pascoag Utility District partnered with Burrillville Recycling and Jesse Smith Memorial Library to create the annual Earth Day Poster Contest. Each year, Burrillville children in grades K-6 create posters showing why it’s important to recycle and conserve energy in Burrillville. The winning posters are included in the calendar with recycling and energy conservation tips.
PUD partnered with Steere Farm Elementary School’s 4th grade classes to create a field trip to the District campus. 4th graders now visit the District each February to learn about how electricity is produced, the role of public power in their community and the importance of conserving electricity.
Pascoag Utility partnered with the Burrillville Schools and RIOER to work on the Burrillville School Lighting Project which replaced all lighting with LED lights in three of the five schools in Burrillville. The project will save 198,539 kWhrs annually and 3,970,780 kWhrs over the twenty year lifetime of the project. RIOER provided a grant of $100,000 towards the project and Pascoag Utility provided rebates in the amount of $46,000.
Pascoag Utility District worked with the Town of Burrillville and RIOER to install 4 electric vehicle charging stations in Burrillville. The charging stations are located at the park near Jesse Smith Library in Harrisville and at the bottom of the bike path in Pascoag. RIOER provided the Town of Burrillville with a grant of $63,660 for the installation of the charging stations and the lease of an electric vehicle.
In 2020, Pascoag Utility District will purchase 46% of electricity from non-carbon based (hydro, wind, solar, nuclear) sources.
Pascoag Utility District and Harrisville Water Department merge to create the Clear River Electric & Water District
In 2025, Clear River Electric & Water District will purchase 57.8% of electricity from non-carbon based (hydro, wind, solar, nuclear) sources