CREW is issuing a notice of outdoor water restrictions until further notice. Water levels are down, causing wells to pull air into the system, resulting in cloudy water. The restrictions consist of the following: irrigation of lawns via sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems, filling swimming pools, washing of vehicles, washing exterior buildings, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks. Watering vegetable gardens and maintenance of livestock is allowed. We ask that everyone please help to conserve water whenever possible.

This post will be taken down as soon as the water ban is lifted.

Thank you for your cooperation!

You can call our customer service department and ask them to check if your consumption was comparable at the same time last year. If it isn’t, you can isolate which area of your house is potentially responsible for the increase in usage.

  1. First you will need two people to determine where the biggest source of electricity is drawing from. One person should shut down all the breakers in the house. The second person should stand where the meter is. The first person should begin slowly flipping the breakers on one at a time. The second person should watch to see which breaker is causing the meter dials (depending on the meter type) to spin or to make the light blink the fastest. Once you determine which breaker is causing the biggest draw in electricity, you should be able to figure out which appliance or piece of equipment is on that line that is causing the majority of the draw of electricity.
  2. Another useful tool is to get a Home Energy Audit. A Home Energy Audit is free to Clear River Electric & Water District Customers. You will receive an in-depth report of the audit results along with suggestions for improvement. Call: 1-888-772-4242 for more details and to schedule an audit.
  3. We also have Kill-o-watt meters available for check out at both the Pascoag and Harrisville libraries. You can plug in an appliance or device and find out what the kwhr usage is.

There are a number of options available to you:

  • Call Toll Free 1-855-940-3818 and use our secure Pay By Phone feature.
  • Cash payments can be made at the District office during normal business hours. Please do not leave cash payments in the afterhours drop box.
  • Checks/money orders may be made in person, by mail, or placed in our after-hours drop box.
  • SmartHub/One Time Online Payments-visit How to Pay Your Bill Online for more information on ways to pay electronically.

Clear River Electric & Water  is strictly a distribution company. That means that Clear River Electric & Water District purchases 100% of the electric energy that it sells to its customers.

Pascoag has long term and short term power contracts. And, Pascoag’s power portfolio is mixed – containing hydro electricity, nuclear energy, wind and fossil fuel.

  • Shell Energy- 22% (Mostly fossil)
  • BP Energy-21% (Mostly fossil)
  • Seabrook-17% (Nuclear)
  • NYPA-13% (Hydro)
  • Cabot/Turners-7% (Hydro)
  • NextEra/Seabrook-7% (Nuclear based)
  • NextEra Rise-4% (Virtual gas)
  • ISO Purchases-2% (Mixed energy)
  • Miller Brown Bear – 2% (Hydro)
  • Canton Wind-2% (Wind)
  • Spruce Mountain – 3% (Wind)
  • RI Energy – $160.33
  • Pascoag Utility District – $88.08

When a meter starts to break down, the meter will start moving slower not faster. If the meter was broken you would actually see a lower bill, not a higher one.

Unfortunately, we can only provide electric service to residents of Pascoag and a small area in Harrisville. Your electric company is determined mainly by where you live in the state of Rhode Island.

Clear River Electric & Water District is a not-for-profit utility. We strive to have the lowest rates for all of our customers and do not offer discounted rates.

An electric deposit is like a security deposit.  Clear River Electric & Water District requires a deposit for each individual electric account that is created. The amount of the deposit corresponds roughly to two months electric usage based on the heating source within the household. When the deposit is paid, the money sits on the account and accrues interest. Each November, the interest that was earned on the deposit is applied to the electric account as a credit. When you request the account to be closed, the deposit is applied to the balance that is owed. If anything remains of the deposit after applying it to your final bill, Clear River Electric & Water will process a check and send it out in the mail to your forwarding address.

Clear River Electric & Water District is a not-for-profit company and requires the deposit because it helps keep our rates stable. When there are unpaid electric bills, it can cause rates to increase. A deposit helps us to minimize losses and keep electric bills lower for everyone.

You can call our customer service department and ask them to check if your water consumption was comparable at the same time last year. The customer service rep will ask you questions regarding your water use and be able to print out a data sheet mapping your usage so they can determine if you have a leak in your house. If you do have a leak, they can provide you with dye tablets to put in your toilet to determine if it’s the toilets leaking. You may have to call a plumber to assist you with further assessing your house.

Clear River Electric & Water District requires a one-time water meter fee that is based on the size of the service line feeding the home. This fee covers the cost of any maintenance, repairs or replacement meters that may be necessary.  However, unusual repairs necessitated by freezing, hot water, or attributable to any careless or neglect on the part of the owner, a fee will be charged to the owner of the property for a replacement meter.

Clear River Electric & Water District offers a Water Service Line Protection policy, that will insure your water service line from curb-stop shut-off, to the water meter. Currently, the home owner would be responsible for any repairs to the water service line on their property.

The Water Service Line Protection policy would pay up to $3,000 per occurrence to repair your water service line and $2,000 per occurrence for such repair to the same section of public sidewalk or public road.

The cost of the Water Service Line Protection policy is $5.00 per month. A charge in that amount, would be added to your water bill each month, if you choose to participate.

For more information, please call 568-6222 or visit –Frequently Used Forms – to fill out an application.

Pay My Bill

Clear River Electric & Water District offers the latest technology to help you manage your electric or water account 24/7 by computer, smartphone or tablet with a free online application called SmartHub.

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